Partner with Airlock

Airlock Digital is committed to providing top-tier cybersecurity solutions that empower our partners to deliver unparalleled protection to their customers.

Start the conversation

Fill out the form to contact our Partnerships and Alliances team to discuss how we can bring your customer a solution that:

  • Is the most cost-effective way to reduce risk for your customers
  • Stop Malware & Ransomware before it executes
  • Takes the complexity out of Zero Trust for Application and Files
  • Is easy to deploy and requires less than a FTE to manage.
  • Helps your customers comply with various regulatory standards like NIST, CMMC, PCI, Essential 8 and more

Who We Are

Airlock Digital

  • Operating Globally for more than a 10 years
  • Channel-focused GTM
  • More than 650 customers and rapidly growing
  • Zero Trust for all applications and files

What We Do

Allowlisting (Formerly known as Whitelisting)

  • Deny by default for all applications and files on all endpoints
  • Works with Windows, Linux & MAC, including legacy versions
  • Provide defense against malware and ransomware by reducing the attack surface
  • Run only the applications/files that are known and trusted

How We Do It

Making the Complicated Easy

  •  Allowlisting (Deny by Default)
    • Block untrusted applications, scripts and installers
    • Prevent zero-day attacks
    • Prevent unknown and non-approved applications from executing
  • Blocklisting (Deny Always)
    • Enforce security policy
    • OS Hardening – Prevent attackers from taking advantage of vulnerabilities in applications.

Value Add

Fast Time to Value

  • Easy implementation and simple management
  • Requires less than 1 FTE to manage
  • Significantly cuts down on the noise generated by other security tools.